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Download Pages for the USA

Updated 1730 Thursday 3rd March 2011 UK Time

Do NOT run these downloaded EXE from your Internet browser. Put them in the GPSS folder then run from file Explorer to add the files.

We have updated the USA vector mapping on from Robin on 20th April 2007: I've just uploaded better data into the /usa folder of that until now, was the original USA vector mapping uploaded in early 2000. This latest data is based on that within /usanew from 2005, but with the addition of N.VEC files that provide faster display of place names on the Pocket PC version of GPSS.

Robin Boston Map This is the page for adding maps and sounds for the USA.

It is best to start simply, testing GPS->Laptop PC running only the "GPSS Baseline" from the GPSS download page and then contacting me, Robin, with your "Quiz Answers" to get a key code and tips based on your lat/lon such as what street mapping to download.

I suggest you start with data from USADISK.EXE, which provides a few low detail maps covering all North America, USA.WAW and WAV sounds, for a spoken description of position relative to a few major cities. It also includes USANAMES.TXT to support placenames such as towns.

Here is the link to download it :

DOWNLOAD USADISK.EXE (1,453,288 bytes) (minor update in March 2011)

Then test GPSS with your GPS and this mapping, to confirm that you now get a more detailed map than "The World", such as this one of Boston. Your position should now be spoken relative to somewhere in the USA instead of London.

Here is a bigger USA.WAW file, with all the WAV (sound) files in USADISK.EXE above, but a few more over the USA, bringing the total to 226 places. This gives a better verbal description of position, particularly if you do not add more detailed mapping for your area.

DOWNLOAD USAWAW.EXE (1,443,425 bytes)

Now you are ready to add the street level mapping using the information below.

How is the GPSS USA street mapping organised ?

New free USA street mapping 1 degree tile The vector data is organised into self-extracting EXE files, each covering an area of 1 degree latitude x 1 degree longitude. i.e. approx 60 miles north-south. e.g. 37n122w.exe holds street mapping data for the San Francisco area, 37N to 38N and 122W to 121W. Each EXE file will be in the ballpark of 1 or 2 MB.

You can download the data simply by opening the appropriate URL, such as
e.g. usa/37n122w.exe

There are 1192 EXE files, each covering a 1 x 1 degree area of the USA.

It should not be too difficult for you to work out the file names of the EXE downloads you need based on lat/lon.

information from a few years back ...

Some of this information below is very old, from before 2000, but it could still be useful.

Tiger Streets You may want to look at typical mapping samples on the (very old) 'Overseas' Page. When you have added mapping from this page - which may not be detailed in your area - you may then want to checkout the new street level GPSS vector mapping on the TIGER page, followed by use of ARED with the Microsoft 'Streets and Trips' CDROM on ARED and Microsoft CDs Page.

Many of you will simply look for the EXE download which is nearest to your home town. If you download this into the directory holding GPSS.EXE, then run the EXE download from DOS or Windows, it will self-extract into the extra maps and sounds. Next time you run GPSS.EXE from Windows, it will automatically add and use this mapping. Some of you may want to add the 'broad' brush USA Country disk maps, giving cruder mapping over the whole of the USA. Others may want to experiment with gazeteers of towns. Those that have contacted Robin with Quiz Answers, may have extra mapping uploaded for their region. Most of the detailed mapping below was in response to requests like these.

Sorry that we do not yet have an index of these pages: you simply have to scan through all of them to find a place near you. Perhaps we will improve this in future. If you have difficulty in finding mapping near you, try the GPSS Setup Wizard which has a list of maps which you can search on name or your GPS position.

You may want to see the following page before downloading :
* README.TXT from the USA Country Disk (1 Nov 1999)

Cities, Towns & Villages

These files simply provide a list of USA Cities, towns and villages. They are not maps. You can rename or copy the file to GPSS.GTX and/or $LPOP.GTX to replace the list of UK places. You will then be able to find the name of the nearest place to the car - or search for somewhere in the USA by name, make it the destination, then be guided there. For map browsing 'on the desk' Control-A, NOTHING.NME, REPLAY - so it will 'sit still' on the Ascot map. Then search for places by name and hit the V key (Visit). e.g. `san fran (enter key) V. Note that in GPSS, the search will be for the nearest place that the text somewhere in the name, so ` in CA will seach for the nearest place in the State of California. Here is a typical name : "San Francisco city in CA pop 723959".

I have provide three sizes of file here, according to what you want, and how fast your PC is. You can create files of your own, but just in your region of the USA, by using the data and TIGERGTX software on the page to be found here (updated to Issue 2 on 27 Jan 98)

Here are the ready made files that expand from EXE into GTX files :

DOWNLOAD USATOWNS.EXE all 23,789 towns (467,400 bytes)
DOWNLOAD USAT5KP.EXE 5,556 towns, pop >= 5,000 (117,646 bytes)
DOWNLOAD USAT10KP.EXE 3,179 towns, pop >=10,000 (69,408 bytes)

Desktop Demos in .NME files

Most of the mapping downloads below include a .NME demo file. The mapping will work 'for real' with GPS 'on the road' but you may want to see the mapping demonstrated 'on the desk' first. The simplest way is to Associate .NME files with GPSS.EXE then double click on the file to start GPSS and play back the demo. An alternative is to start GPSS then hit Control-A to access the playback and analysis facilities. Double click on the .NME file then hit the REPLAY button. Watch and Listen until you get bored :-)

More Detailed Mapping for USA

Sorry the downloads below are not in alphabetical order.
The most recently created tend to be at the top.

Las Vegas

This mapping is for YK, his friends, and anyone using GPSS in the Las Vegas area. It includes 5 maps and 26 sounds. It replaces the old LASVEGAS.EXE mapping uploaded in 1997. If you have this old data, best start in a new folder. This new data was uploaded for use by GPSS Partners at the CES Exhibition from 6th January. Anyone wishing to demonstrate GPSS at this exhibition should contact Robin Lovelock and/or Royaltek staff on booth 19249 at the Riviera Hotel. More information is on the Las Vegas Page For the normal UK demonstration, just run GPSS without a GPS connected. For the Las Vegas demonstration, add this mapping, then run GPSS and use Control-A click on LASVEGAS.NME, REPLAY, then hit * key.

Please take great care if using this software "on the road".

DOWNLOAD LASVEGAS.EXE (1,283,151 bytes)

Sunnyvale and San Jose, California

These 3 maps, 33 sounds and demonstration in SUNNYVAL.NME are for Hon Sit, his friends, and others here running GPSS. The two street maps here are typical of the detail expected to be available, in 2001, for the whole of USA, both on and the "free" GPSS CDROMs Please Take Care on the road.


Highland Park, north of Chicago

These 3 maps, 20 sounds and demonstration in HIGHLPAR.NME are for William Schorsch, his friends, and others here running GPSS. Please Take Care on the road.


Kansas City Region - Updated Jan 2000

These 7 maps and 46 sounds replace the very old map uploaded in early '97. The data is for use by David Sudduth, his friends, and anyone with a GPS. A demonstration is in KANSASCI.NME. Drive carefully please.


Tulsa, OK

These 6 maps and 29 sounds are for Danny Lynchard, his friends, and others with GPS here. a demonstration is in TULSA.NME. Please take care.

DOWNLOAD TULSA.EXE (255,757 bytes)

Grand Rapids, MI

These 4 maps and 27 sounds are for Paul Farage, his friends, and others with GPS here. A demonstration is in GRANDRAP.NME Please take care 'on the road' Paul.


Surf City, NJ, south of New York

These 3 maps and 30 sounds are for Mike Kipper, his friends, and others with GPS here. A demonstration is in SURFCITY.NME. Please take care 'on the road'.


Decatur in Alabama

These 2 maps and 20 sounds are for JoAnn Cummings, her friends, and anyone else with GPS here. Note these are 800x600 maps, and not suitable for lower res. screens.
A demonstration is in DECATUR.NME. Please take care 'on the road' JoAnn.

DOWNLOAD DECATUR.EXE (208,733 bytes)

Highland, Maryland, north of Washington,DC.

These 3 maps and 40 sounds are for Chuck Cooperman, his friends, and others with a GPS here. A demonstration is in HIGHMARY.NME. Please take care on the road.


Springdale, north west of Little Rock, AR

These 3 maps and 25 sounds are for Andrew Marks, his friends, and anyone with a GPS here. A demonstration is in SPRINGDA.NME.
Please take care when testing GPSS 'on the road'.


Tifton, east of Albany, GA.

These 3 maps and 27 sounds are for Danna Betts, her friends, and anyone with GPS. A demonstration is in TIFTON.NME. Please take care 'on the road'.

DOWNLOAD TIFTON.EXE (221,450 bytes)

Indianapolis - home of the Indy 500 - 11 May 99

These 6 maps and 19 sounds are for Charles Brombaugh, Brad Kiser and their friends.
A demonstration is in INDY.NME. Please take care with GPSS 'on the road'.

DOWNLOAD INDY.EXE (253,502 bytes)

Lexington, Ky, east of Louisville

These 3 maps and 27 sounds are for Vernon Bumgardner, his friends, and others with GPS. A demo is in LEXINGTO.NME. Please take care 'on the road'.


Jefferson City, MO and Rocky Mount

These 6 maps and 23 sounds are for Vernon Fischer, his friends, and anyone here with GPS. A demonstration is in JEFFERSO.NME. Please take care.


Bainbridge Island west of Seattle

These 8 maps and 56 sounds are for George Carr, his DFing chums Foxhunting, and all those with a GPS here. A demonstration of map-matching, DFing, and navigation is in BAINBRID.NME. Please take care 'on the road', George.


Salt Lake City

These 4 maps and 30 sounds are for Ron Cutler, his friends and others with GPS here. The demonstration in SALTLAKE.NME demonstrates map matching, DF, and voice guidance. Take care 'on the road' Ron !



These 5 maps and 31 sounds are for Mitch Labenz, his friends, and anyone else here with GPS. A demonstration is in OMAHA.NME. Please take care 'on the road'.

DOWNLOAD OMAHA.EXE (331,177 bytes)

Brookshire, west of Houston, Tx

These 3 maps and 19 sounds are for David Sweet, his friends, and anyone else with GPS here. A demonstration is in BROOKSHI.NME. Please take care Dave.


Coon Rapids, north of Minneapolis

These 3 maps and 29 sounds are for Scott Kittleson and friends. The detailed map was made by Scott, and a demonstration is in COONRAPI.NME. You may also want to download the New Brighton and Minneapolis maps. Take Care !


New Brighton, north of Minneapolis

These 2 maps and 14 sounds are for Paul Anderson, his friends, and anyone here with a GPS. You may also wish to download the Minneapolis maps. A demonstration is in NEWBRIMN.NME. Please take care 'on the road'.


Conway, north of Little Rock, AR

These 3 maps and 15 sounds are for Brian Sherrod, his friends, and anyone else with a GPS here. A demonstration is in CONWAYAR.NME. You may also want to download the Little Rock area maps. Please Take Care 'on the road' Brian.


Niceville, east of New Orleans

These 4 maps and 26 sounds are for Tom Ballard, his friends, and anyone else with a GPS here. A demonstration is in NICEVILL.NME.
Please take care 'on the road' Tom.


Richland, WA

These 2 maps and 12 sounds are to get Chris Coyle & friends started.
A demonstration is in RICHLAND.NME. Take Care Chris !


Chula Vista - DES file corrected on 17 Jan 99

These 3 maps and 19 sounds are for Jim Drewett and his friends. Best to start by downloading the San Diego mapping on the next download page, then this download - to give more detail in Chula Vista. A demonstration is in CHULAVIS.NME. One of the DES files was corrected on 17 Jan 99, and a smaller demo .NME file used.

DOWNLOAD CHULAVIS.EXE (221,698 bytes) 17 Jan 99


These 4 maps and 25 sounds are for Al Taylor, his friends, and anyone else with a GPS here. A demonstration is in ERIE.NME. Take care Al !

DOWNLOAD ERIE.EXE (297,900 bytes)


These 6 maps and 22 sounds are for Norris Smith and my old friend Jim Baca. The demonstration in ALBUQUER.NME starts near Jim's place and ends near that of Norris. Take care 'on the road' now.



These 4 maps and 32 sounds are for Phillips, his friends, and others with GPS. A demonstration is in AUGUSTA.NME. Please take care 'on the road'.

DOWNLOAD AUGUSTA.EXE (321,077 bytes)

Baton Rouge

These 6 maps and 31 sounds are for Subhash Reddy, his friends and others with GPS here. A demonstration is in BATONROU.NME. Take care Subhash !


Minneapolis, Rice Lake and Hazelton

Updated on 20 Nov 98 to add Hazelton data. These 11 maps and 75 sounds are for Ed Terry, Dave Sorenson, their friends, and anyone else with GPS in this area. A demonstation in the Hazelton to Minneapolis area is in MINNEAPO.NME and one near Rice Lake in RICELAKE.NME.
Take car 'on the road' you guys !


Highlands, North Carolina

These 3 maps and 8 sounds are to get Steve Swain and friends started - on more familiar ground. A demo is in HIGHLAND.NME. Please take care 'on the road'.


Tampa in Florida

These 3 maps and 22 sounds are for Ted and his pals. Missing the snow Ted ?
A demo is in TAMPA.NME. Please take care 'on the road'.

DOWNLOAD TAMPA.EXE (223,636 bytes)

Glenburnie, east of Raleigh, North Carolina

These 5 maps and 27 sounds are for Brian Cail, his friends, and anyone with a GPS east of Raleigh. A demo is in GLENBURN.NME
Take care 'on the road' Brian !


Miami, Florida

These 4 maps and 20 sounds are for Steve Barnes & friends.
A demo is in MIAMI.NME but take care on the road Steve !

DOWNLOAD MIAMI.EXE (266,573 bytes)

Livermore CA

These 4 maps and 21 sounds are for Mike Allison and his friends.
A demo is in LIVERMOR.NME. Use v4.9g or later. Take care Mike !


Houston, Texas

These 5 maps and 27 sounds are for Ron Corwin, his friends, and anyone else with a GPS. A demo is in HOUSTON.NME. Take care 'on the road' Ron !

DOWNLOAD HOUSTON.EXE (312,999 bytes)

San Luis north of LA

These 3 maps and 25 sounds are for George O'Neil and anyone with GPS here.
Sorry the file is a bit big - due to sounds being 16 bit 22KHz. We all make mistakes :-)
A demo is in SANLUIS.NME. Take care 'on the road' George !

DOWNLOAD SANLUIS.EXE (913,493 bytes)

San Antonio Heights east of LA

These 3 maps and 13 sounds are for Kevin Holme and friends with GPS.
A demo is in SANANTH.NME. Take care Kevin !

DOWNLOAD SANANTH.EXE (183,082 bytes)

Cleveland - updated 19 August 2010

These 6 maps and 26 sounds are for Jim Korenz and others with an interest in DF and/or GPS. A demo is in CLEVELAN.NME and some real DF data in JIMKO1.NME. ONLYRMC.EXE can be used to filter .NME DF data. Updated in August 2010 so maps work on GPSSppc for Pocket PC.
Please take care on the road Jim !


Louisville in Kentucky

These 4 maps and 22 sounds are for Kevin Fulkerson, Glen Raque, their friends, and anyone else with a GPS. A demonstration for 'on the desk' is in LOUISVIL.NME REPLAY - best under Version 4.8 of GPSS.
Please take special care 'on the road'.


Lots more maps on the next page

Click Here for USA Download Page 2