Thatched Roof ? Need a Master Thatcher ?

Thatched Roof Thatched House


Inspection & Advice from One of the Oldest Thatching Family Businesses

E.E.Sharp & Son. Thatching Contractors & Consultants

E.E.Sharp & Son have been Master Thatchers for three generations. Geoff & Lynda Sharp live in Farley Hill, Berkshire, England.
Please call 44 (0) 1188 973 2805 for information.

If you wish to write, their address is: Conifers, Church Rd, Farley Hill, Reading, Berkshire RG7 1TU, UK.

on TV Geoff Geoff has been on UK TV several times now.

These pictures show him being interviewed by Desmond Morris and Sarah Kennedy.

But it doesn't stop there - the largest contracts to date have been for the film industry.

'First Knight', starring Sean Connery and Richard Gear, required a village of thatched houses to a tight deadline; to be more precise: twenty five thousand square foot of period thatching, plus an additional ten rustic buildings. Using the fast-thatch method, Geoff's team re-thatched a 45 ft long building in 15 minutes, allowing the continuity needed for filming the burn sequences.

Film Normandy Of course, most of their work is accomplished at a less hectic pace.

The house on the left in in Normandy, France.

They often do work outside the UK - particularly where there is warm sunshine !

Generations of Thatchers: from left to right, Scott Sharp, now a partner in the business, with his dad Geoff, and Geoff's dad Ernest. 3 Sons

And the picture on the right, taken in 1913, shows a young Harold Sharp - Ern's dad - with his dad, Charles Sharp.

Robin Lovelock, Geoff's cousin who wrote this page years ago, can just remember hot summer days in the early 1950's - when he was just a toddler. The kids and women prepared 2 Sons picnics among the hay bales, while the men including Grandad (Harold) Sharp thatched the Hayrick.
If you wish you can visit Robin's GPS Software web site.